To start using Imaja Reminder, double click the Imaja Reminder icon in the Finder. It will open with a new empty document unless you have already created a document.
When Reminder opens, the Month and Day windows should be open. If not, choose Day from the Windows menu (‚åòD).
Figure: Day Window.
To enter a new event into this day, click the New button. A box appears, and you can start typing. Press Enter or ‚åò-Return to confirm your new event entry.
Specifying Time of Day
You can enter a time at the beginning of your event text. If a number is the first character in the event entry, it will be interpreted as a time. If the number is followed by AM or PM then the time will be set appropriately. If no AM or PM is used, then the time is interpreted as AM. The AM or PM can be upper or lowercase; periods are not needed.
7:45am Leave for train station.
3pm Dentist appointment.
After you have completed entering the event text, press Enter. All calendar windows will update appropriately to show the new item.
Figure: Month Day, controls.
The events are displayed with standard header area on the left side. The area with horizontal lines is the drag area. Use this to drag the event to a different day in the Month window (‚åòM) or a different time in the Hour window (‚åòH). The triangle pointing right is the event operations menu; click it to choose a command from the popup menu. The triangle has three status colors: green is future, red is overdue, and gray is done.
Choose Clean Up Vertical (‚åò+) from the Windows menu. The Month and Day windows are positioned to fill the screen. To view the events for a particular day, click on the day number in the Month window. The arrow buttons in the upper left of each calendar window change the date viewed in the window. Clicking the arrows in the Month window flips to the previous or next month. Clicking the arrows in the Day window flips to the previous or next day. Click the small month icon at the top left of the Day window to go to the Month window for that day.
Saving Your Calendar
Your calendar must be saved for it to remember what you have entered into it. To save your calendar for the first time, chose Save from the File menu (⌘S). You must name the file “Events”. The Events file will be automatically read by Imaja Reminder when it starts up. The contents of the To-Do List are also stored in the calendar file. The name/address/telephone directory is automatically stored in a file named Directory.text.
When you quit Imaja Reminder, you will be asked to save the calendar document if any changes have been made. The address book and To-Do List are saved automatically.
See Adding Items, Changing Items, Deleting Items, Rescheduling Events and Labeling Events.